Saturday, February 12, 2011
Little Hairs Sticking Up

Romance Languages.
Funerary inscriptions:
STTL: Sit tibi terra levis (May the earth will be slight).
Ahmd: dedicavit hoc monumentum Amico (Dedicated this monument to his friend.)
RIP: Resquiescat in pace (rest in peace).
HSE Hic situs est (Here lies).
BAEQV: Bene aeternumque it (Have fun and good-bye forever).
SVQ: Sine ulla quereal (Without any fuss. This phrase was used between spouses to make clear what they were well-matched).
Hodie mihi, cras tibi (today for me tomorrow for you): This motto is usually written in the entries of the cemeteries.

Inscriptions on monuments:
PPP: Propria pecunia posuit (I built with their money).
AMRM: Ad maiorem rei memoriam (For a further reminder of the fact).
IOM: Iovi Optimo Maximo (Jupiter Optimus Maximus).
EV: Ex vote (From a vote. Offering made as a result of a promise).
HAFC: aram faciendam curavit Hanc (He tried that they should do this altar).
MP: passuum Milia (A thousand steps).
SPQR: Senatus Populusque Romanus (The Senate and the Roman people).
LS: Readership Salutem (Health for the reader).
SVBEEV: If vouchers, bene est, ego voucher (if you're okay, I'm glad, I'm fine).
SPD: Salutem plurinam dat (Send many greetings).

SPA: appearing in gyms or places of rest, its meaning is "Salus per aquam" (health through water).
Mortuti viventes docent (The dead teach the living): Slogan University Paleopathology Association, investigates what is known as the funerary archeology . Fiat panis
(Make bread): Slogan of the United Nations Food and Agriculture FAO.
A mari usque ad mare (From sea to sea): Currency of Canada, taken from Psalm 72 of the Bible.
Altius, Citius, Fortius (the higher, faster, stronger): Motto of the Olympic Games.
Ars gratia artis (art for art): Motto of Metro Goldwyn Mayer, yes, yes, the movies when they get the lion ...
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