This has led us to take the initiative to write a short letter to the Rector of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona expressing our outrage at the refusal to recognize academic deserve Josep Fontana and Jordi Nadal. The letter has been sent has been supported by more than eighty academics, and reads as follows:
Ms Ana Ripolli Aracil
Rector of the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona:
Lady. Lead:
Having considered the recent refusal to grant the title of "Doctor Honoris Causa" to professors Josep Fontana and Jordi Nadal, I wish to convey my shock and outrage at this foolishness. Gloss over the merits of both figures overflows a short paper like this that just want to make clear that this rejection only discredits the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich runs the risk of appearing as sectarian and even prone to some academic McCarthyism condemned without any palliative.
Hoping that this huge error is corrected, Yours faithfully
From now on, whoever you support this protest is directed, by copying the text or writing one to aim for the rector's email address UAB, or gabinet.rectorat @
Please put a copy of these messages to plopezgt @ gmail or to know what response have you had this action.
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