Saturday, February 26, 2011

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The Basque language is so primitive it known, for example, which would be universal, ie, the idea of \u200b\u200b"tree", which is an idea that exists in advanced languages \u200b\u200b(not like Basque) in the Basque language does not exist. Basque as a language is very primitive Beech, 'loj pine', 'loj poplars "but no" tree. " To speak of the tree had to take a loan from the Castilian, which is the "tree" .. And in that sense, of course, is a language which is still developing the human mind does not realize that there are universal, still lives on the basis of individuals.

"Do not say we did not study the Basque, Basque think you have to study other minority languages \u200b\u200bas the" Cherokee, Apache or Georgian. That is, we seem to be languages \u200b\u200bthat have to be chairs of study, which is very interesting philological studies that are made about let alone that there is a dictionary that would allow such language is understood by people who speak languages \u200b\u200bwith a extraordinary power of communication such as English. "

"That above is not even the Basque, is a monster based on the" batua "which is spoken in the Basque. People who are "Basques," which are "euskaroparlantes" are horrified decades with what is spoken in the Basque because not even the Basque, a language laboratory absolutely, also based in the Basque dialect of Biscay , in 'batua' (sic). "

"Mr. Vidal: Stunned

hear his brief dissertation on euskara or if you prefer, Basque. I'd like to read in its entirety and without prejudice this letter whose sole purpose is to clarify some confusion that, in my opinion, on the Basque language ... I agree with you that Euskara is a primitive language, but in the descriptive sense of the first meaning that the dictionary of the RAE: 1. adj. First in line, or who has no source making something else, and it is unknown at the moment, the origin or relationship to other languages \u200b\u200b.. I venture to think that you, however, well qualify to Basque thinking more in the fourth meaning of the same dictionary: 4. adj. Rudimentary, elementary, crude since then argues that this ignores the universal language such as tree and lives on the basis of individuals, as if this made the Basque placed in a disadvantageous position compared to other modern languages. On the concepts of universal and particular language I will not extend and I refer you to the work of Chomsky, Boas, Bloomfield and other renowned linguists. I cite only William of Ockham: The universal words are linguistic signs of individual things, created by a simple matter of practicality. As you can see no reason to believe that a language is better than another for this reason.

Secondly, Euskara has, besides the word tree, the following terms zuhaitz, zuhamu, zuhain or zuhaintze. Undeniable is the Latin origin of tree as the tree is in English: arbor,-oris as the Basque language, like all others, has collected over its long history loans different languages \u200b\u200bthat have had contact. This linguistic phenomenon is enriching and not embarrassing like you meant to imply. I sincerely appreciate that we compare with the Cherokee language, apache or Georgia or any, they are all worthy transmitters of their cultures equally worthy. And yet I consider him more to encourage the study was long since banned its use not only until the academic year and philological study of Basque.

As for the idea that there is a dictionary for people who want to understand it without knowing the language, I applaud your initiative also because I firmly believe that knowledge does not take place and I encourage all stakeholders to consult the bookstores and libraries or Internet where you will find plenty of material on the Basque lexicon. I suppose that when you refer to languages \u200b\u200bwith a special power of communication is English and does not exclude others. As a historian, writer and journalist who is, you know that all languages \u200b\u200bhave that power. For example, in Inuktitut (more correctly known as Eskimo) has many more terms to the English to describe snow. Does this actually gives more power to Inuktitut media?. According to a semiotic theory known, therefore there are no differences in intellectual processes but cultural experiences are different.

Finally I would like to point out some erroneous statements made at the end of his speech on Euskara. Do you remember what purpose he founded the Royal Academy of English Language in 1713?. Was to set the voices and words of English the most property, elegance and purity, which was reflected in the motto Clean, fixes and gives splendor. And gone so far, what is the main task of the current RAE?. Well, neither more nor less than to develop the normative rules of English to ensure a common linguistic standard. What you described as monster is the standard common language of Euskara. With some years overdue but we wanted to "cleanse, fix and give splendor" in our language. This work is performed magnificently "Euskaltzaindia" or the Real Academia de la Lengua Vasca since 1919, officially recognized by the SAR since 1976. In the words of the institution ensures Euskera, or Basque. It carries out research on it, the social protection and establishes their use philological standards. It was this body, at the request of certain intellectual circles, which promoted the unification of the Basque dialects (euskalkiak). Initially, before the English Civil War, was taken as the base and later Gipuzkoa classic Labourdin Vizcaya not as you say. Between 1964 and 1968 set the first standards for the current unification based on the Gipuzkoa-Navarra. During the following years he continued working on the standardization process with recognized success. It is true that some sectors of the population, mainly due to age or educational level, have had difficulty in adapting to the standard language but no more so than in the case of English or another language, if we take the same social parameters. However, in general, this aspect is completely normal. I hope these explanations may contribute to a deeper knowledge of the Basque language. And, although I have no I hope that answer or do reach the general public these corrections, writing has been very rewarding for me.


Montserrat Martinez Fernandez

Degree in Basque and English Philology Journalist-of-the-right-stop-vidal-critical-to-Euskera-and-montserrat-mart% C3% ADnez contesta.html le


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