TEAD - Association of parents, relatives and friends of people with ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder (Autism Asperger Syndromes i). Week
TEAD - Association of parents, relatives and friends of people with ASD - Disorder Autism Spectrum (Autism Asperger Syndromes i) TE
On 11th January the CiU parliamentary group submitted to the Commission for Health and Social Policy of the Congress of Deputies in Madrid a "Proposal not legislation to improve care for people with autistic spectrum disorder, which was approved with the votes of PSOE, PP and CiU. This proposition of law presents a clear ideological slant of serious and disturbing. So calls to study the implementation of care for people with ASD only from the behavioral perspective, ignoring and belittling and other guidance that for years dealing with them on the public health, education and social services, often with remarkable results.
With the text you enclose you explain the reasons to request your support and thus show our disagreement with the "Proposal not of law for the improved treatment of people with autistic spectrum disorder"
that broadening this paper and time to collect signatures from all those people and institutions you think may be sensitive to these issues.
Thanks for your support!
Association / TEAD / CIF G-55073613
On 11th January the CiU parliamentary group submitted to the Commission for Health and Social Policy of the Congress of Deputies in Madrid a "Proposal not of law for the improvement of care for people with impaired autism spectrum, which was approved with the votes of PSOE, PP and CiU. This proposition of law presents a clear ideological slant of serious and disturbing. So calls to study the implementation of care for people with ASD only from the behavioral perspective, ignoring and belittling and other guidance for years dealing with them on the public health, education and services social, often with remarkable result s. This paper ignores the professionals who for years have been working and training. It defines autism in the field of neurology, when there is no scientific study that they endorse. Convert autism has a neurological issue because the drug treatment on the one hand educational and behavioral treatments for other, regardless of the clinical, psychological and psychiatric critical to the overall treatment of the subject.
addition, this non-legislative proposal undervalues \u200b\u200bthe plurality of therapeutic approaches that coexist for years in the network of mental health, and early education, as well as professionals from psychology, but also from other disciplines nas have been formed to address comprehensively the subject that turns out to be a person affected by autism.
Therefore, we consider this proposition of law does not respect the democratic right to therapeutic plurality and opens a pathway that can be extended to other areas of healthcare, education and social to impose unique treatment.
concern that this initiative generates leads us to ask for your signature.
need many so urgently to be heard.
Therefore, we ask that you do extensible this petition to people in your environment. With all the collected signatures can at least ask politicians to stop the effects of this proposition and to listen to the parties involved.
Send an email with your NAME, LAST NAME, PROFESSION NIF and to: firmasporelautismo@gmail.com expressing your support for this text or signature in person on the sheets prepared by the association.
the undersigned wish to express our disagreement with "non-legislative proposal to improve the treatment of people with autistic spectrum disorder" approved by the Commission for Health and Social Policy of the Congress of Deputies. There is no
scientific evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of behavioral treatment for people with ASD over other psychotherapeutic approaches. In fact the study "scientific knowledge on the detection, diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder" (May 2010) prepared by the Agency for Health, Health Technology from the Department of Health, which looked precisely publications behavioral therapies including, but not others such as psychoanalytic or psychodynamic, states:
"The scientific evidence is poor in terms of efficiency / effectiveness / safety of different non-pharmacological interventions. There are a variety of interventions, some of which have demonstrated efficacy in certain symptoms. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to demonstrate its effectiveness. "
understand that an improvement in the treatment of people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder should consider the wide range of psychotherapy, more than 30 years, developed in our country with remarkable results and the experience of professional disciplines and therapeutic approaches orientations.
For all this we express our rejection of the proposition of law not only consider treatments "behavioral" and right amount "Psychotherapy" to "behavioral therapy treatment." There are many professional schools and many other approaches to this proposition of law ignores and neglects, despising many years of work and serious training.
Therefore we ask:
• That any legislative initiative that this proposition entails considering the inclusion of psychotherapy in its broadest sense and not favor a different approach to the price of exclusion of others. The treatment of people with ASD should consider multidisciplinary approaches both as an overview of the subject.
• That any committee of experts set up to study this issue include experts and practitioners of the various guidelines currently coexist in the public health, social welfare and education.
• That respecting the democratic right to the plurality of different therapeutic approaches of health professionals, social welfare and education.
• That respecting the democratic right of parents to choose between different clinical approaches, social and educational programs for the treatment of children with autism spectrum disorder. TEAD
- Association of parents, relatives and friends of people with ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder (Autism Asperger Syndromes i). CIF G-55073613
(+34) 647 57 33 39 / 620 46 31 02 /
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